European School of Politics held its Winter 2019 Program at Boğaziçi University between January 27 – February 3, 2019. During this 8-day training prominent academics of different universities and experts gave lectures. As in our previous programs, our curriculum included classes such as European Institutions, human rights law, economic growth, voter dispositions, education, environment and social policies. Our training program welcomed 35 young applicants aging between 25-35, coming from 17 different cities of Turkey succesfully completed the program.
European School of Politics held its winter training in cooperation with Anadolu Kültür, the Council of Europe and Boğaziçi University and with the support of Consulate General of Sweden to Turkey, British Embassy in Ankara, Stiftung Mercator, Özyeğin Foundation, Sabancı Foundation and Vehbi Koç Foundation.